Komodo Dragons & The Curse of Crystal
8 years ago

Things about the game's current state

at the moment, few bossess are nicely working or needing tweaks, and few bossess (including mechanically complex son of a bitch which is a final boss) need a lot of work. except croc boss (hes boss after lvl 1) from demo also bosses from levels 3, 5, 6 are fine. also some level’s theme songs are unfinished. many sprites need to be redrawn because theyre either placeholders of dont fit to rest. enemies and items need to be replaced/added. need also i plan to add more puzzles/traps to game.



Next up

thsvou.exe has stopped RUNNING

More visuals

updated health bar:

another particle effects.

Some screens :D

character interaction is now like this.

is this new tile better? New is up, old is down

compare old vs new grass/ground

i darkened some sprites

water particles are cool for me