So remember way back at the beginning of the summer when I said: “Hey, I’ll have free time this summer, I’ll be able to get the game done in a timely fashion.”
Well… That was not the case. Two people left the place I work at and my hours have drastically increased, which is keeping me from working on the game. Good news: More money for me.
As such I have decided that instead of changing the game’s First and Fourth Chapter, I’m simply going to polish them off, open up for a sequel, and leave the Kindergarten (Which was to replace Chapter 4) and The Dating Sim Chapter (Replace Chapter 1) for the sequel.
I honestly can’t believe that this game has got more then 70 followers at this point despite my inactivity. So here’s whats left for me to do.
-Make it easier to reach the final ending. You will still need to do something in each chapter, but it will be easier determine what needs to be done.
-Make it Chapter One just a little more then a hallway (After all, Stanley Parable is about choice) It will still end in the same place however.
*More Shout Outs.