POLE: The VideoGame (Official)
7 years ago

Things i need to talk about the game...

Hey everyone…

So, Pole right now is in a really bad situation because the engine…

I’m getting error after error and sometimes when i want to add something to optimization or fix bugs… Or the game crashes, or the engine crashes, or the whole computer crashes…

So, i’m making another game wich is made with Unity 5 and not with GameMaker…

And this is really bad because, i’m not doing this for myself, i’m doing this for the fans who support me and help me to complete this game…

So, nothing else to say, have a nice day


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03: Opening Cutscene Screenshot, 1st DEMO Work In Progress

02: 15 sec. Cutsene before boss fight :3

01: Sreenshots of the game. Demo 50% Complete

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