A very productive day.
Last night I tried to learn the Achievement API for the first time, and failed miserably. Today, I managed to fully implement 9 achievements into my game, with thanks to ShadowWolf and Brod. They were so much help, and now I have the ability to include achievements in future projects.
iRhymeWithRawr has decided to help out, and did some spriting and voice acting for the game. You’ll hear his voice come out of the main character. I chose to use voices because instead of having subtitles every few minutes, the character speaks to themself in fear.
I’ve decided to add a very vague opening to the game’s description. The achievements are also visible, and it may reveal to you more details. But that doesn’t matter. I guarentee that you will jump at least once.
All that’s left to do are the credits, the voice editing and implementation, some final features in the last level, and minor tweaking. Nyctophobia will be a short game with only three levels, but you must overcome fear and make your way through, otherwise the game can become very difficult.
Here’s a little screenie of the game.