Five nights in Inflation and Expasion
4 years ago

This game almost got cancelled (this is a tl;dr post)

I used a roblox studio plugin called camera position saver, I have it because I can do alot more stuff to the characters and I can keep my camera position (A second camera can't be done like in blender) and it gave a Loadlibarary error and i was pissed off that i wasn't working so I just stop to think about it, and so i tried to find the file of the plugin and I did (took me two weeks) and i looked up the Loadlibrary thing and I had to recode it.



Next up

Random Foxy Vector Graphic that I made (This has nothing to do with the game)

as soon as I log on into a team world

I'm not gonna be able to make 3d graphics for a little while, and yeah that's is a big hit on development, but I can't do anything about it at the moment.

So here's is a screenshot (The camera light thing is just roblox studio plugin also the endo is holding a mic)

Here is the fan animation (The green is just a effect of being converted into a gif

art comission.

Successful landing


So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

The whole squad is here!

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