Hello again. They asked this to me on Reddit and I thought that many of you would be asking the same:
So, here is our response. FNAF DARK SPACE will join together some of the best fangame game’s stories (FNAF, Five Nights At Candys, The Return to Freddys, Those Nights At Rachels, POPGOES, etc…) in a new story. Some of this games will not be directly in the game, POPGOES and Rachels just by some pieces of the story, TRTF by the “easter-egg” appereance of Lockjaw but it will be canon, etc…
Also, FNAF DARK SPACE will be a “conclusion” of all this, but in a good and “epic way. It will not be on this game, I mean, not in this chapter but in the future of this saga: “everything that was created, will be ended and completed”
Trust on us guys, this story and also this fangame will not be something with a non-reasonable story made just for fun and free views. What we are preparing will impress you, by graphics, By Gameplay, and also for The Story. It will be related all in the principal game and the following DLCs that they will be more important than you think.
Thats all I can say! I cant tell more because that would be spoilers. ;)