Hello Neighbor: A Living Hell
1 year ago

This game has been in the works for almost a year now...

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this project's development for nearly a year now, compared to what the game was like back then, compared to now...

A lot has changed.

And it's all thanks to these people, without them, the game could've been far worse:




@AGWyt (for helping me stay motivated)

And others (take a look at the games credits)

Thank you.

Sorry for the lack of updates, personal things have been in the way.



Next up

HL mod progress.

Swapped to Blender.

Even more shotgun viewmodel animations.

Got bored, so I decided to make this.

From now on, whenever you reach to a new part in the game, the title screen changes.

(After only a week of trying to get this to work)

Here we go again, more mod progress.

"Sniping's a good job mate. Challenging work. Outa doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry. Because at the end of the day, as long there are two people left on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead".

Mod progress.