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Big DEVLOG and latest news
Dev log progress
(overworld process
(Phase 1 process and 2
New codder @Aftermathic
Pog please ping me aftermathic when you wanna countuine the process I’ll be waiting
And yup photos by aftermathic pog
Fdy Scape 0_0
(This just a joke btw)
Your guys are awesome ;) here’s preview of intro ofc footage by the great @JustAnotherYoutuberOwU he will do more progress soon so patient please he just needs time :)) development is good so far
100 people follow me in this world golly! That’s insane thank you so much everyone I am very thankful please make sure to check my yt @ScapeMuffins and consider to subscribe also I am planing on games on the future so stay tune!
Evil dream door real no fake1!1!1!11
Devlog 2
Menu done
Credits done
Phase 1
Phase 2
And extras unfinished
Also footage by keni
You guys are amazing thank you!
Devlog 2