1 month ago

This is Crystal the Fox!

Challenge in the article and for 300 Followers special Oc challenge (in the article)!


You can choose your Oc the :

Skin Color, Age, Gender, Height, Hair length, Hairstyle, Hair Color, Eye shape, Eye color and clothing!

Specie Depends on your irl gender!

Male : Squirrel, Dog, Cat, Hedgehog and Bird

Female : Fox, Rabbit, Wolf, Eagle and any other species!

Name depending on your favorite alphabetical letter!

A-F = starts with D, T, U and I!

G-P= starts with A, Y, S and E!

Q-Z = starts with C, F, K and T

Dont have a favorite = starts with any other alphabetical letter!

Accessoires and Extra Details and you are done!



Next up

Replying to @The100thUsernameChange 's Question.

Replying to @ArtistBloom390 's Questions and Dares, thank you friend @ArtistBloom390


Anyways I may show you Another picture I made on picrew.me

I call him Cazu and yea, he's a serial k!ll3r...

Mehamed The Cat (Me)


The oner in the article!

The student Or Player will be the night watchman He is studying in the office From Five Night At Baldi's

Okay, let's try this out!