17 days ago

This is day 50 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and we have the set that changed the set numbers for Lego Star Wars.

Read article for more details

This set includes a Sargent clone trooper, a regular clone trooper and two droidekas

This set is based of the first battle of geonosis in the Attack of the Clones movie where yoda commands the clone to attack the nearest star ships.

This build can fit two clones and has a gun rack for both clones in the back.

The little satellite reveals a flick firing missile that can’t move because this set is old and I’m tired so maybe next set I’ll show it.

The droidekas can transform into balls like in the movies and tv shows.

Funny thing is when 2013 rolled in Lego changed there set number by 1 number and restarted it, and now when you see the first 2 digits of a set they indicate what theme they represent like Star Wars has a 75 digit number in the beginning of there sets or ninjago which has a 71 digits number, cool huh?

Overall another good set.



Next up

This is day 61 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and we have the most anticipated sets of 2024. The new clones vs droids battle pack.

My LEGO Ideas projects in the article so support and read article for more details.

Exactly 1 year ago I got this set at Costco for $80 dollars instead of $100 dollars.

Yes it’s a spoiler for my daily Lego showcasing.

Speaking of Lego please support my Lego project. Link below.


This is day 63 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and we have another 3-in-1 and it’s a lion.

My link to my Lego ideas projects in the article so read article for more details.

I got a new kitten! 😁

Day 11 of promoting my Lego ideas project until it reaches 10,000 supporters and like I said there’s someone always watching, and hotdogs. Please support things have been slow lately so please support I beg you.


This is a real dinosaur bone and a trilobite in my collection.

I just recently find out that the bone came from a duck billed dinosaur which is common to find.

Same with the trilobite, super common in the west which includes Colorado and Utah.

I’ve just hit 102 supporters, all I need left is 9,898 supporters left, that’s a long way to go. Tell your friends and spread the word, report if you need.

Day 9 of promoting my Lego ideas project until it reaches 10,000 supporters and we have the roof which is… special yeah, I don’t know ok? Support please.
