14 days ago

This is day 53 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and today we have the Ashoka brickhead which I said yesterday was going to be a little snippy.

Please someone tell me that some reads my article's.

Read article for more details.

This has some pretty good details even for a brickhead.

Ashoka comes with two light sabers and nothing else.

I’ve got nothing to say about this set except that it has nothing to talk about.

Tomorrow’s set will be better I promise.

Also does anyone read the articles? Or I’m I wasting my time.



Next up

Day 9 of promoting my Lego ideas project until it reaches 10,000 supporters and we have the roof which is… special yeah, I don’t know ok? Support please.


Day 8 of promoting my Lego ideas project until it reaches 10,000 supporters, what we have now is the upper apartments for the other residents to live in.

Like always please support.

Link below


This is day 62 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and we have a cool red dragon 3-in-1.

The link to my LEGO Ideas projects in the article so read article for more details.

I got a new kitten! 😁

This is day 63 of showcasing my Lego collection from smallest to biggest and we have another 3-in-1 and it’s a lion.

My link to my Lego ideas projects in the article so read article for more details.

This is a real dinosaur bone and a trilobite in my collection.

I just recently find out that the bone came from a duck billed dinosaur which is common to find.

Same with the trilobite, super common in the west which includes Colorado and Utah.

Day 11 of promoting my Lego ideas project until it reaches 10,000 supporters and like I said there’s someone always watching, and hotdogs. Please support things have been slow lately so please support I beg you.


I’ve fixed it but day 10 of promoting my Lego ideas project until it reaches 10,000 supporters and nothing to see here but a close look at one minifig going on a walk. She should be careful because there’s someone watching especially in that neighborhood.