Nano's Bar
7 months ago

This Is Going to be a post Talking about a few Things.

Before I start. The game is Not cancelled, It's still very lively at the moment.

I Now have a friend helping me with some of the AI Coding (As I Am unable to Make AI Myself) and some Extra stuff.

Game is not Cancelled. Just Haven't been saying anything.



Next up

Ok so I'm going to admit something. Nano's bar is extremely "Inspired" by "Playtime with percy" It's just the ideas that I really want to use but I have a feeling that's the backlash on me really hard.

Have a free Wallpaper! :]

I'm not dead.

I Got a bunch of people on board with the game now! It's no longer just me!

a Few images to Kick off the Devlog.

I've been down with a bad fever/cold for the past 3 day's. I F E E L L I K E I ' M I N A G O N Y

No Context.

Pretty Epic thing I made for the sssvi OST cover.

A Bit more images!

So. How have you gooberish people been?