6 years ago

This is my title screen for my new game, Tails Mania. Needs improvement? Does not need work? What do you think?

(NOTE: This took a while to do, I'm not lying!) #fanart

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Next up

After so many tries, I FINALLY beat Night 5 of Animatroincs Awakened! I was awarded with this image on the main menu (Note: I did not make this image, I actually did beat night 5) #fnaf #letsplay

I'm just wondering, How come Freddy and Foxy get all versions (Funtime, Withered, Normal, Etc.) of them. But Chica and Bonnie don't get every version of them? (Phantom Bonnie or Funtime Bonnie) Someone answer me. #fanart #question I'm confuse about it.

It's Bonnie the Derp guys! Chica the Derpen is up next. Stay Tuned for her! (Please note I am making FNAD 2 Characters but that will be awhile, for now enjoy my FNAD 1 Characters!) #fanart #fnaf

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Made a little thing from the Foxy of FNAF AR. I call it "Dark Foxy" or "Shadow Foxy"

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Pikachu is just my fav, but werid (all tags for no reason) #fanart #letsplay #question #guide #cosplay

Tried my chance of doing Freddy, I didn't go good or okay, It's super bad. But what do you guys think? Edit: The before looks better than the after to me #fanart

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite

Me trying to control A FNaF, Pokemon, and Sonic community at once... #fanart #sendhelp #call911