Sonic Classic Tetralogy

6 months ago

This may take a while...

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Next up

I swear I'll be dead before the game hits demo 2. ( As sprites are somehow taking a EXTREMELY long time to be finished. )


Last post for a while. Also you can not spam this boss.

Almost done

.-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- . / - --- / -- -.-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -..

Sadly. Developmant restarted AGAIN...

The gane is being moved to Hedgefusion Framework and title screen is the only thing redon ( Had to learn how to make the fades ). Anyway see you soon.

Making the cutscene that introduces Imperexeial more badass.

Infexenite's Knuckles.EXE...

Old Vs New.

( Also I was aiming on fixing a mispelling in the title of the old demo, but I never got round to releasing it )

Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic MK1 and Mecha Sonic MK2 are being dropped from the line up. So here is a render of him that was planned to be used at some point.