2 months ago

This new fortnite update is crazy q



Next up

Hello everyone! These are the characters I'm gonna draw this week! Wanderer/Scaramouche (first slide), a splatoon oc (second slide), Sister location Michelle (third image, and a request!

Hello everyone, I'm back! Apologies for the waist on new art. It's just that I've got a bit of that art block.. but decided to do something smaller to get into the groove.. wip for now

Uh Bonnie mask bully more like uhh Bonnie suit bully

I really want the triverumate badge but it's kinda hard uhm!! Anyway here's a horroboros

Well, my Octo needs a friend so..

Got a really good charger build on side order

Happy (late) birthday to my friend, made this for them... This WAS supposed to be made on the 23rd but I got side tracked... Whoops.. but hey, at least I kept my promise!

Splatoon oc...

Splatoon oc guhhh

Michelle evolution guuuh