3 years ago

This one was a fun and goofy one to make. Monty Python humor is universal.



Next up

Would love it if crown colors represented seasons, idk.

There it is! There's that feeling when you finally win a crown! Sweet sweet neurons!

Friday feeling! Here's an emote I made a while back that you're free to use on whatever platforms ya'll can use emotes on. He jump cause he happy it's Friday!

It all starts with a horrible sketch... Part 1

Played Fall Mountain last night. Went as expected. Pic related.

Sometimes, the new cosmetics in games are just a bit TOO Much

Tfw I'll never have Godzilla costume but at least I'm the green raptor boi.

So in an AMA, the Fall Guys' development team said that the Pegwins, aka Bert Bort and Bart, are powered by Uranium. So I quickly made this when I was made aware of this information. Enjoy!

Needed more evidence that I am king? Here is the evidence that I am the king

Made this for the Doom x Fall Guys collab going on currently! Grab and Fall until it’s done!