Cyberamic Pizza

25 days ago

this project is (momentarily) on pause. Not canceled (read article)

I needed a break from this game because i just couldnt get my models right, and now im already balls deep into another project that im very much enjoying. Once im done that i will come back to this. I like the ideas I have and the office is very unique (i like that). keep in mind, this project isnt canceled. I just havent been working on it and probably wont until my game list is free. I might have bitten off more than I could chew with a fnaf remake, and although I seemed to be fine until 2 months ago to be exact, the fact that I wasnt fimiliar (and still isnt completely) with gamemaker 2 helped a lot with my motivation drop.

Bare with me until i can clear my head with other projects and be happy enough to work on this game.



Next up



game updates

im a very big perfectionist, which really doesnt help with my adhd sometimes i need to sit back and go: "Maybe it doesnt matter if my games look bad" anyways heres a pre room im thinking up

anyone got any main menu ideas they can throw at me?

Heres what im thinkin (you will be able to use the computer on the desk, just havent added that yet)

also why are my recordings so quiet???

somebody just sent me this

I think im getting the hang of gamemaker (obviously)

hmmm ai actually cooked for once (gunna change name)