This recent news was also covered by @acekid7, but I'm just posting it here for the sake of getting the news out even further.
KStudios responded to the delay of the expo, and answered a few questions / concerns people had. www.kriyastudios.net
Next up
So, I basically found out this morning that the KSM Expo is officially pushed back to a unspecified day in 2025.
How I found this was I simply went to the Kriya Studios twitch channel, went into chat, and found it.
Currently doing another new project! This did surface publicly yesterday, but I didn’t actually announced it yet; so I know that barely anyone is aware of it. It’s not a game, but rather a horror story I’ve been writing!
The World Between Realms has finally released to the public!
Enjoy the Adventure Map!
(Link to map page in article attached).
"Hey, Blake... Hey... It's been a while. Ten years ago with the incident with the children and the body inside of Frankburt, we have no choice but to shut down.
I got very unmotivated and bored to work on anything, so I had the time & idea to make this guy from @Breim ’s Desolation!
I didn’t color him because I suck at that, but nonetheless, I feel it fits the art style very well!
Sjuk, skruvad, och formlös, det säger en hel del för mig!
(Work in Progress (WIP))
New Screenshots have been added onto the gamepage!