Stone Cage

4 years ago

This week I will work on new update (4.2).what will new update add:

-some more updated graphics

-in game trophies

-better menu




Next up

oy! I may find a way to decompile Stone Cage and be able to make final update that I told you I will months ago, doe that will have to wait for few day due to my house being in renovation process.

sneak peek

just want to thank you all for support for the game i never

thought that my game will get this much attention,specialy because this is my first game <3

Thank you!

I decided to join RPG Mania Jam on, wish me luck !

This was a hard week doe still got a lot done !

Some progress on my RPG Mania Jam project.

The weeks get harder and harder doe I was still able to do a lot of progress!

I am making this today!

Thank you my friends the game is in HOT tag now 🔥🔥🔥

Arguably worst placeholders I ever created . . .