4 days ago

Thought I bought ketchup even though I actually bought tomato paste

So I decided to make ketchup out of it

And ahhh


Lots of things went wrong and ahhh

This doesn't look pleasant

It doesn't taste bad tho

1 comment


Next up

Stolen from @SSAngel who stole it from @Xx0Hollow0xX   who stole it from @GHOST30   who stole it from @Not_Mario18

I just realized

We are thankfully 10 followers away from 100 followers

And the fact that we got 1.3 k views which paired to the number of followers is a huge achievement

Especially the fact that other fangames reached our number at 3 k

Thank you so much!



More learning how to draw female bodies

I am now one step closer to becoming an r 34 artist XD

Shit post #2 (I suck at drawing humans)

More calling out Talanted people

"@Loyalno_xd is following me

I dunno if it is because I followed him first but either way I am really happy more Talanted people started to follow me

Attempting to learn how to draw female bodies #3

This is my favorite Attempt so far

Any stuff you want me to note out

Found this online the other day

@TomH0ll0w style character sheet

They are a very talented person go follow em now!

(Tales between the stars Asriel updated design)