RWBY : Crystal

4 years ago

Thoughts and Planning...

So while I've been away its been hard hard not to think about this game. A lot of "what if this" "what if that" pops in my head. I think about Character Models, and Environment dressing, and how I can't draw very well. (You've seen those character profiles)

For the most part what I think about is How can I deliver an engaging semi-linear semi-open story. I've though about it and this is what I came up with.


I think things out it look like this.

Vol 1-3 was a getting to know the characters of sorts, but each thing was largely disconnected, with no over arching plot. Ruby's problems had nothing to do with Wiess or Blake or Yang. So this was my attempt at putting my brain on digital paper.

This chart that fuels the overall setting and events that I would like players to experience. Really feel connectivity of the characters are important.

While I'm still am not actively working models and such, I've gone back to do more planning and pre-production. I never realized how massive of an endeavor this would be.

Anyway I thought I'd toss a small update as to where things are, and I'd thank all who are following myself and this project. These additional follows since the last update has really given me life, and helped me feel encouraged.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to JayJay. He's another creator that could really use some encouragement. Play his demo, leave a comment, upload a video, show him some love. We really need more interactive RWBY content out there, especially since a lot of us are suck indoors. I know he's been discouraged, please encourage him.

Well thanks again, and I'll end with a RWBY sound off...

Torchwick, Ruby, Genda, Ozpin, Yang, Jaune, Wiess, Blake, Pyhraa, Biggby, Nora, Ren, Cardin.



Next up

Terrified of Failure.


Sloth Semblance

Just now realizing this post was posted on the User page not on the Game's page.

(Those who only follow the game's page would have missed this)

Problems So Soon

It's in the cards

Testing out the entrance of the academy. It's a pretty big school. (Ignore the missing statue :P)

Another house i made long time ago.

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

Auto-chess meets Clash Royale in an intense strategic battle. Outsmart your opponent, hide your play and crush their armies! Empire Builder just got another major update, check it out!