1 year ago

Three KWS Network teams are warming up themselves to advance to the MiLK Preseason! When the preseason ends, the Regular Season will become a beginning. The article will register the image team names.

Here are the teams who were generated by the article:

The first image with an M on it are the Millburn Millers. This team has warmed up enough, and they are a good team.

The second image with a P on it are the Purdue Villagers. Each time they win, they make their own team village!

Finally, the third image says it all. Kings & Queens are a good name and an entertaining logo.

The name for these kind of posts will be named 'KWS Teams Rising MiLK'.



Next up

"i dunno how"

This is the middle of the Culture League Divisions. This is the fifth division that Minor League Kickball must deal with. MiLK presents to you... CL Central! The article will show five teams of this central.

Minor League Kickball presents to you... the CL East! The article will show the first five teams of the Culture League. Check the article for teams.

i've been laughing at this for about 15 minutes

It loses.

This is the final Kingdom League division which is the KL West. This post of the article will have the final five teams of the League.