Three Random Archives Demo

7 months ago

Three Random Archives bonus content, out of context

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Update v0.2.4 is now out (FINAL UPDATE!!)

Three Random Archives, Unity, and the future.....

Hey you, yeah you, (whoever you are)

Wishlist my game, Three Random Archives on Steam!…

If you see him, you better Duck and Cover

#Shipwrecked64 by @SqueaksDCorgeh

If you love Mascot Horror and retro platformers, with an awesome ARG attached, you'll enjoy this game!

I really like the idea of teasing content and projects through images related to it in some way, so why not make it a part of my "brand". Here are my upcoming projects for the month of December.

The new troll game is what you get when Scott has too time on his hands.

Finished animating a really difficult cutscene, and I have to say The Jester is slowly becoming one of my favorite characters! So much in fact that I just have to go on a rant!

Artwork done by the amazing Mad Cat Production

(Link down below!)

Really happy the Steam trailer is my most viewed video!

It doesn't do or SAY MUCH as an actual trailer, but the process of crafting it from scratch was one I really enjoyed.

The next one will be 100% better and 1000% more fun/interesting to watch!

I adore this man