4 days ago

Time to attack more people on art fight since my dad forgot to shut down the wifi !

Also I see you



Next up

Hey guys won't be online for today. I'm pretty tired didn't sleep all night so .

Good night even tho it's 3 in afternoon

Here is two attacks of candy two people did since I don't have art rn.

Hey guys here's my toy house if you ever have unwanted OCS I'll gladly take


(Picture taken by me)

Art of my self.

Wip might change it up

Drawing for @1_Bacon_1 and I made my husband on the right 🤓✋♥️

Most simpable OCS ever

(Mike is 7'2 he isn't short like in the drawing)

(Got lazy so it's not in my other style)

Hey guys.. sadly I didn't find any one to like, date that is the same gender as me and they don't live near me so sadly I'll be still looking tho

An attack from some one to byopous

(I have low iron the room dizzy)