Together Again: A "Lake's Funland" Story
1 month ago



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Together Again's "Michael Schmidt"

@DoggoMafia How does it feel to portray a mewing lord?

She's coming after you, what' ya gonna do when she finds ya?

Merry Christmas!

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

Mister @HudsonHarrisVA has been casted for a 3rd role in "Hello Wisconsin".

Our man is truly taking the spotlight for himself this time!

I think of this song whenever I draw or hear Rachel, and I believe those who beat the whole game at 100% might understand why.…

I'm really tempted to make a few short books for children (kinda) based on TAALFS, there's some ideas that could work perfectly, but I can't confirm anything yet.

Here's a couple of concept designs for book covers.

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Go check out this awesome "Together Again" analog horror video by @HudsonHarrisVA ! It's sick, and 100% improvised by him. I love his take on it, and hopefully you'll do too