Five Nights in Your Dream (CANCELLED)
6 years ago

Timeline.... Or lore.... Or whatever... (Part 1)

Okay, now to explain the story of the game!

It all started in 1961 when 2 brothers William Afton and Charles Afton were in the Rat and Cat theater to attend a show. However, on the 5th day when the show was supposed to start, William and Charles’ father had died. There father’s body was found in the Rat’s costume. After that, the brothers had to live with their Mother for the meantime. William was 19 at the time while his brother Charles… Was the same age. They are twins. One day, William fell in love with a girl named Ballora. He and Ballora got married and had a few children. 3 of them are Male and one of them was female. They were Michael, Gabriel, Elizabeth and… Tim… In 1983, Gabriel would always pick on Tim for being a coward and scared of the animatronics. One time, he saw Charles and William testing out the funtime animatronics. William told Charles how to open the faceplates. And when he did, Tim got scared and ran away… Of course, he cried and was caught by Gabriel. Gabriel and his friends bullied him. And eventually so did everyone in the neigborhood. Even a girl named Susie. Henry’s daughter. Henry Coleman was one of William and Charles’ good friends. He would create the animatronics and maintain them while William would do bills, taxes and repairs. And as for Charles… He would clean, cook and serve. All went well until Tim’s birthday. Gabriel and his friends would go a whole new level of bullying. They carried Tim and placed him in Fredbear’s mouth. Tim was crying very hard and some of his tears went to the springlocks which went loose and crushed Tim’s head. Nearly killing him. He went into a coma for the next 5 nights in the hospital and in the 6th and final night, he would be visited by Gabriel, Susie, Elizabeth, William and Charles. After a few minutes… Tim dies… A funeral was set for him… Weeks later, Charles was still furious about what happened to Tim and gave Gabriel a taste of his own medicine. He asked Gabriel truth or dare. Gabriel said Dare. He said I dare you to climb on that animatronic jaw and put your head inside. I’ll pay you $500 if you do it. Gabriel at the time could do anything. He did just that. But the problem was… When Gabriel was told to get out, he can’t. His head is stuck, he kept moving to get him out. Charles tried to free him but he kept moving and moving. Eventually the springlocks snapped and killed Gabriel instantly. William came home fron work and saw what happened. He yelled so hard at Charles. Charles felt guilty. He was then arrested for 25 years in prison. For murder. Now with Charles gone, William and Henry now had to look over the company on their own. It was a rough time. But William thought he could use soul energy to bring back his 2 dead sons. He called it “remnant”. He first tested it by breaking into Henry’s home. He got Henry’s Dog because, Henry’s dog seemed very healthy and is likely to share similar genetics with a human. Or at least William thought. He is bad at science but good at robotics. Well kinda bad at science anyway. He killed the dog and place the soul to Toy Foxy using a Soul Converter…. And his plan worked….

To be continued.



Next up

Game cancelled. (Picture)

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