Those Nights at Ring's (2021)
2 years ago

TNAR is getting a v1.4

wow, shocked?
read the article for more info

So yea, version 1,4 for TNAR is coming out soon

A scrapped feature of TNAR was its multiplayer mode, which would have players controlling the animatronics against the technician. I have been experimenting with GameMaker Server and have a functioning multiplayer mode with Ring and the Technician playable. I will be working on the rest of the multiplayer over the next few days and can finally release the multiplayer mode.

You will need to beat Night 6 before you can access the multiplayer mode however.

Along with that, TNAR 1.4 will receive the following additions

  • Updated Title Music

  • Various Graphical Fixes

  • Fixing Ring going into the kitchen.

  • Various Possible Layering bugs (I haven't found any yet, but I might working on Multiplayer)

  • Minor Design Changes, most specifically with CESA (again...)

  • Fixing the main menu options sliding to the right instead of to the left like in early versions of the game.

thats all for this update, stay tuned for the update.

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Next up

the ballers not final designs, but I like em...

Demo 3 is now in the oven. Get ready for 2 new songs and local Co-Op. Also here's a screenshot to hype you up :)

Don't Worry, were still working on it. Here's a quick status update on the game!

Not mine, but credit to @jumpy_gamer123 for this mod they posted in the FNAS fan server. Looks pretty slick tbh.

Chapter 2 Cutscene Preview?

Chapter 2 progress coming along nicely

Here's a preview of the "luscious" Drippling Caves. The lower half of the mountain you traverse through in Chapter 2.


Nothing new on DotD rn, still working on re-writing chapter 2.

For now, here's some Halloween art. Happy Halloween you goofs. ;)

The game's been renamed from SonicBall to CloneBall.

My friends thought it was a better name, and I agree.

We're So Back. B)

Wow, TNAR in widescreen!

Theres a snapshot of V1.2 available in the BeanPit, join the BeanPit and get it :D