Lisa the Hartless
2 years ago

To anyone who says "Just make the game about Coldbrew"

That doesn't work for Hartless itself.

However, a different game that has Coldbrew as the protag is actually a great idea. Maybe the starting the party is Big Henry (now with thunder powers) and Coldbrew. I imagine that the game would be visiting various places, trying to keep his word to Cole, and expand and rebuild the Keggers. Probably a large focus on combos and elements.

This post was clickbait I just genuinely love the ideas and many have suggested it so I wanted to vomit some ideas I had.

Like, maybe the game could have the player visit various locales, maybe old maybe new. Maybe a chapter could focus on Coldbrew visiting the blood cult from Scholar of the Wilbur Sin to learn about the brewing of blood wine.

Shit like that.

I had this weird dream where there was a Lisa game taking place at a carnival in a grassy field not long after the flash where mutants were attractions and the party was a status dealer clown, a strong man with combo dial, and a protag who... actually never saw his moveset. Maybe a remixed version of that idea could be a chapter or I may make it its own short game kinda like Bashful. Would be fun. Maybe just have it have Bashful's combat because I love Bashful.

Maybe another chapter could be them selling to one of the Hopeful gangs or running a shipment to the Bathhouse Boys only to find them dead. There's all sorts of cool stuff you could do!

What do y'all think?

But that aside I do love the idea of a game focused on Coldbrew.

Stumped on a theme though.

However y'all have my full blessing to create said game.

Just, maybe wait until Hartless is finished so they don't contradict each other.

Otherwise you have my full support to make a game about Coldbrew. It is a great idea and a good suggestion with a lot of merit behind it. So thank you to everyone who shared it.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.




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Average LISA strat

This feels useful

Me opening Nonsensical 2 to work on it


I wonder what this is for

This mf really compared the normalization of trans rights to normalizing genuine pedophilia. What the ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! "I have nothing against trans rights" THEN THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK This is unintended transphobia at BEST Dickhead

Nonseniscal 2 dev face reveal

I have acquired the files for Lisa The Nonsensical 2.exe from @NeroSteinsberg

Concept art of Tyler Cten by @MaddieDoktor who will appaer in the Alex and Joel game

It is done just John Suit and I'm free