3 years ago

... To be honest, I kind of want to make a new "Sonic Runners" type game. Would you want to see it? Read and / or vote \/ \/

The reason I canceled Sonic Runners CD was because it was getting too stressful to manage, and eventually, I cracked under pressure, canceling a game on a whim that I cared so much about. I still care about it, and I care even more about the original Sonic Runners game.

The focus on Sonic CD, while novel and in my opinion kind of cool, lost focus after a while. Even if it did have massive focus, it would get stale: Fast. I feel like at least, it was a cool concept, and at worst, a gimmick that took away from the original spirit of Sonic Runners.

So, I want to try again, if everyone would let me, of course. I want to make something great, with no gimmicks attached, and while different from other Sonic Runners continuations (Like Sonic Runners Reloaded please check them out so much better than whatever I can put outttt @Brandon5O6O42 if you want to check the game out!), still maintaining the spirit.

So, what do you think? Please tell me what you think I should do, along with telling me what to do in the comments if you want to offer something more detailed. Thanks for reading my wall of text, and stay cool!

(PS. This poll's results are private for the sole reason of maintaining the mystery. Gotta keep a little excitement here, right?)

(PPS. sonic runners mania when)

(PPPS. also thinking of getting a new, free engine that is more suited for the job)

FINAL MESSAGE: unity is cool, and so is sonic runners

  3 votes Voting finished



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this is so me when the pipe bomb on my desk goes off on accident

haha funny original meme i made

very funni did laugh

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

im going to school now bye bitches

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite

i refuse to elaborate further