
4 days ago

To clarify for anyone curious-

The game will most likely be releasing at around 9-10 pm CDT tonight, however if the game does get pushed back to tomorrow, it's because we want to provide a fun, bug free experience for everyone!



Next up

More teasers? Yes please!

Keep your eyes peeled...

A few camera's from in game!

Room Models: @Bird-Brain

Animatronic Models: @BruhBoiitsFeet133

Compositing/Posing by me

Redoing these models I had years ago, new one is overall better than the old one (made for @OstawoltGames ). My new style definitely shows improvement, I still have lots to learn lol

Left is new, right is old.

Endo 01 in new model is by: @RedRabbitGames

The Good Ol' Days...

I textured his arms and his waist :)

Game Page Out Now...

Full Game Out Now...

So the I made so where the snout and cheeks of the Toy's could be removed. Should they remove their snout during the nights, just like how Toy Chica removes her beak?

(Should be) Final Update Out Now...