Gods Walk Amidst Us
18 days ago

Today I came up with the names for the 4 main deities of Gods Walk Amidst Us!

But I'll only tell you one: Verten, the main-main deity.



Next up

I forgot who I reposted this from.

But here it is

[TW]: Blood / 2 am scheduled post.

Random doodles and drawing I’ve made over the past couple days.

Cover art for Gods Walk Amidst Us! [the better version]

Scheduled 1 am post

W e m u s t d i s a p p e a r


This god sure chose a pretty vessel...

I also added a new channel to the GWAU community: Concept Art! If you want to submit concepts for characters or bosses, do it there!

A depiction of Josephine Hackman in RPG Maker, GL2, and my own artwork.

I've written so much lore for her that she feels real now...

I'll reveal some of it tomorrow.

GameShit logo

Scheduled 3 am post!

This is even realer.

Also, happy Friday the 13th!