15 days ago

Today I’m gonna tell you guys all my ocs jobs cuz I’m bored as usual

Rexter: assassin

Dave: commission artist

Sarah: doesn’t have a job yet

Molly: gaming

Nono: same thing as Dave

The other Trio guys I somehow forgot the names of: no jobs

Barth: cooks

Rolly: makes money off of crack

Zack: business man

Sam: kung fu teacher

Zero: nothing

GODLETT (the skeleton I drew yesterday): is a god so clearly no job but to watch over the underworld



Next up

Rexter’s minions

My parody versions of Freddy and his friends

Jerry is back and better than ever

Remember the dripy critters? Well now I’m planning on making it a actual thing

Redrew a old character I made (yes that’s a Amazon box)

I found my special rocks after 3 years of not having them :3

Probably the most hated character is back (somewhat) runxy!

I honestly would have no problem with it plus I do have a trans friend irl