One Night At Bud's The Genius DaKOOLSheep Trilogy (Unofficial)

1 year ago

Today is The Day Krabs Fries. March 14th.

(hope im not late for this)



Next up

it actually happen.

why do i feel so screwed.

since none of you probably guess the other characters im gonna be revealing one of them

(@TrainGod2008 pls notice me :( )

Merry Christmas, here's a game name reveal.

(tagging @TheRealNextGenius so he can see this)

After for so long... The Update is out. have fun.

Report any bugs if you find them.

Bud has invited a Special Someone for his upcoming Custom Night update! i wonder who it could be?

50k dollar mistake jumpscare

Stabvel in a Nutshell 2 (DaKOOLSheep Edition)

Same Feeling

A Message to the kermert's community, You guys shall be prepared for something big.

It's getting closer, here's a more understandable hint.

Get ready, The Community will not expect this drop.