Together Again's "Michael Schmidt"
@DoggoMafia How does it feel to portray a mewing lord?
Next up
For the last time: A mobile port of "Together Again" and "The Magic Hour" is JUST NOT TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN, ZIP IT.
I had said this before, but I find myself in the need of repeating it. It just can't be done, it JUST WON'T WORK.
Fun fact of the day: The final promotion design selected for Together Again was highly inspired by the cover for Memento Mori by Depeche Mode, my favorite band, which was released earlier in 2023.
The whole blue theme was discarded in favour of this.
Random ah fun fact: Lake's expression-less renders used for a TMH teaser video are named "Kale"... Truth is, I hardly ever pay attention to the way I name my files, lol
Did I ever show Lake's final model without Handshaker/Harlan messing with his eye pupils? No?
Hiatus has Ended + official final poster reveal!!
Happily married...
Rachel's Bedroom
Jumper's 64: The Horrors of the Pizzeria | Official Teaser Trailer
Kept some dancing Mommy frames in my computer, I can't remember what I made them for, but here's a gif thingy.
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