
3 years ago

Toribash 5.52 is now available on GameJolt!

This update features item effects, better in-game inventory, improved speed for file downloads and customs loading, bug fixes and other minor improvements.

What's new:

  • Item Effects

    Item effects are a new type of customization for your Tori which can be fused into your Force, Relax, Primary Gradient and Head Texture items.


    To apply an effect to your items, you need to fuse them together.
    Upon fusion, effect item is destroyed and its effect is permanently applied to the item you've chosen.
    You can stack effects of different type and apply all of them to the same item. First fusion into an item is free, every subsequent fusion costs 50,000 TC multiplied by number of effects already fused into the item.

    When fused with an item, some effects offer additional upgrades (glow intensity for glows, pixel size for dithering).
    These become available for free once you play the required number of fights with the item equipped or can be purchased at any moment with Shiai Tokens.

    Item Effects require shaders - if your computer doesn't support them, you won't see any difference.

  • Improved in-game inventory
    Inventory received a proper "Customize" view for texture items, items that allow effect fusion and upgradeable items - so you can manage them right from the game without visiting forums.


    Your owned texture items will also now have the uploaded texture displayed instead of default item icon (requires caching it first by opening Customize screen).

    Inventory also received some general backend improvements to increase overall stability and QoL changes such as double-clicking on a set to view its contents and remembering last viewed page and list position when reentering Inventory after leaving it.

  • Player info menu now shows player's roles and information about them.
    No more wondering why some guys have a colored name in chat!

    (Right-click on player's name in queue to see the menu)

  • Added usage statistics reporting and automatic error reporting
    Usage statistics will be only accessible to Nabi Studios and won't be sold or transferred to any third parties.
    This data will include your game session length, how many games you play in Free Play / Multiplayer, what game features you use and such.
    Usage statistics reporting can be disabled at any time in Settings -> Game.

  • Other updates

    • Multithreaded customs loader to improve player items' loading times

    • Set number of players (1 or 2) for any mod via gamerules menu or /set numplayers command when in Free Play

    • Improved GUI scaling on low resolutions

    • Added Tori Twerk atmosphere by Tomato

    • Toribash mods (.tbm files) can now be opened directly with Toribash (Windows version only)

    • Added status message on successful shop purchase for item effects and other items that can't be activated.

    • Graphics options that are irrelevant with currently chosen settings are no longer displayed in the list.

    • High and Ultra graphics quality presets now use 75 fps

    • Store, Quests and Login rewards data is now loaded faster after startup

    • Added caching for Hair item previews in Store to instantly view hairs that have already been loaded earlier

    • Quests screen is now opened by default when entering Notifications from main menu

    • Check Toribash servers periodically (10 minutes) for any news updates

    • Queue list menu will no longer open with lowest player's info when clicking below the players list

    • Queue list menu can now be closed by right-clicking anywhere outside of it

    • Replays are now loaded with cache if it's enabled in settings when opening Toribash as replay viewer

    • Mod welcome message is no longer displayed when the mod is loaded for a replay

  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed bug that was preventing folders from being shown in various menus with opt filesort 0

    • Fixed bug with timer / frames display ordering introduced in Toribash 5.5

    • Fixed purchase confirmation boxes' text overlapping

    • Fixed bug with TC not always refreshing properly after redownloading customs

    • Fixed bug that lead to corrupted replays when editing it after frames run out without pressing R

    • Fixed bug with game hud (score, chat etc) randomly displaying under main menu

    • Fixed bug with FOV not resetting when enabling Tori/Uke focused camera

    • Fixed bug with Store item view jumping back to previously viewed 3D item if its model just finished downloading

    • Fixed bug with inventory crashing when player has no items

    • Fixed bug with atmos not launching properly from main menu if they haven't been previously loaded with a hotkey

    • Fixed bug with community replays crashing on empty search results

    • Fixed bug with Clans menu crash when clan members/leaders data is missing

    • Fixed bug with Nudge button being broken in player controls dropdown menu in queue list

    • Fixed bug with Replays menu crash upon successful replay upload

    • Fixed bug with Inventory crash when showing set details but set contents aren't loaded

    • Fixed bug with Store crash when attempting to preview model that has no data defined

    • Fixed bug with possible data corruption when fetching Hair items' info in Store

    • Fixed bug with incorrect input handling when setting window height / width in Settings

    • Fixed bug with textures randomly carrying over from previously loaded player

    • Fixed bug with player clan not being properly displayed until reentering main menu after launch

    • Fixed bug with missing set information when opening it to view contents in Inventory

    • Fixed bug with Discord server link in Account tab not opening

    • Fixed bug with Movememory not showing warning properly when attempting to start a move with no active player selected

    • Fixed possible crash when staying in Login/Register screen for too long

    • Fixed Notifications menu crash when loading a message with broken links

    • Fixed bug with profanity filter displaying filtered messages in current chat tab even if the original message is from a different one

    • Fixed crash when tearing breakable grabs after grabbing a static environment object

    • Fixed bug with replay ratings / comments not always loading properly

  • Lua scripting updates:

    • Max texture limit has been raised to 384

    • Added BitOp support for bitwise operations

    • Updated get_color_info() with game_name field to get the color's game name

    • Added set_draw_effect() to use for all 3d draw functions

    • New string.schar() Lua function as a crash prone replacement for string.char()

    • UIElements now support right mouse button up event with addMouseHandler()

    • debugEcho() now takes a third argument to return output as string instead of echoing in game chat

    • get_spectator_info() now receives proper user roles info



Next up

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Join now to chat about Toribash and share your replays and screenshots!

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