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In Pac-Man World, the classic mode uses art based on the Puckman cabinet as a boarder.
i NEED party members and bytes and enemies and chips from cool fangames
Yum-Yum, Pinky, Inky, Sue, and Clyde have all been depicted as green ghosts at some point.
Pac-Man Vs refers to ghosts by their color instead of their name, so green might be Funky.
im getting two it!
Ms. Pac-Man has been used as a sponsor for several breast cancer awareness programs
gyuh hermie is that you
i need to play this game again
i love you 3ds
A special Pac-Man Nintendo Switch case will be releasing March 2nd. It will come with a set of Pac-Man stickers, have a stand for tabletop mode, and a screen protector flap.
the other blue locker
hi homestuck people its real trust me