ToyChica's Pizzeria 6

3 years ago

ToyChica: It's here! TCP 6 game page is out!

Octo Steven: We do hope you'll forgive us for not making it on 2020.

Princess Coco: Here's the link!




Next up

For those who didn't know about this, TCE will be in the game's credits (Only a name), along with the submitted art that will be featured in @kazovsky 's VR fangame.

Special thanks to @kazovsky , and wishing him and his team a good luck.

This what scared the owner of TCE back then.

Credits to the artist.


Every shadow is a caution.

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - New 4 party members update!

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

After all those days. Finally, we have them all.

Anyone remember that reference? If yes, comment.

Special Thanks to: @FnafWorldFan0234 and @Buffcat34 for sticker gifting.

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Say hello to a brand new thumbnail! *Read the article for credits*

This Comes From Inside.

Happy International Women's Day!