Famicom Gorbzilla (Older + Incomplete Versions)

1 month ago

Trivia: Red was the first ever Gorbzilla character created, but wasn't actually intended for Gorbzilla. He was part of a meme video, and I either had the idea for Gorb due to the attention, or thought of Gorb later and realized I could use this Red.




Next up

Trivia: Gorbzilla as originally going to shoot Pepsi. This was changed to Dr Pepper before the release of version 1.0 as a reference to both the 1985 Godzilla Dr. Pepper adds, and to the fact that I think Pepsi tastes like rotting flesh.

Here's Slyman.

He's a cut character from game, acting as sort of a weird 'toy foxy but not mangle' character who'd try to steal your computer.

Don't worry about him. Odds are he'll be in a future game, this just wasn't really the game for him.

For the heck of it, here's a bunch of plushies that might become playable characters

Post 2 - Character Count

Because pf my last post, I felt like sharing this Fnati remake map I made. It's super different from the original map, but I felt like changing it for the sake of the gameplay.

#fnaf #fnati #concept #treasureisland

You know, there's 0 evidence that these two are related in any way at all. Like, we've been calling these two 'shadows' for so long that we've managed to convince ourselves that they're the same but like?? No?????

You wouldn't know really know it if you just casually follow me, but I've wanted to remake Fnati for a super long time.

Every Fnati remake up to modern day has kind of sucked in terms of mechanics, and I'd love to give it a shot.

#fnaf #fnati #art

Just published a project page for waaaay down the road. Feel free to follow if you're a fan of Fnati and actually good gameplay loops.

Don't know what people's gut reactions are going to be to this, but I'm likely going to axe Earth/Mars.

Gezunki, Moguera, and Titanosnorus will still be here, just as playable characters, and enemies / concepts from those world will get reused, too.

Post 1 - The New Building Layout