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I present to you this little preview from our programmer @TeamByMyself i ( in charged to code the game, so far we are making a good progress with the 1st chapter of DR: Susie's Story.

Thanks for to be patience and have hope with this amazing proyect!

It's just a dream, please wake up! ,

The hell is just an illusion , Go into the light and shine with love and glory!

Hello there!

The progress with some new characters are yet in process to be release, take a look to this new darkner character in dark world and will be stonger like king, & queen, darkner name is Jack "The Royal Guardian" location area: Great Board

Status Report - 22.04.2024

#DRSS #StatusReport #April

A small progress with the bullets, made by our partner / member: @TeamByMyself ( programmer)

about deltarune: susies story ch1&2?

I don't know much what to say, some fixes and technical failures are being made in the systems with my partner who programs the game.

For now im work at the ui menu in ch2, making new areas in ch1 , new monsters etc.