10 months ago

TurboWarp now supports custom reporters

Learn more: https://docs.turbowarp.org/return

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You can now run custom extensions from files on your computer

TurboWarp now supports high contrast mode, more theming options, brand new addons, and a lot of other bug fixes and new features

TurboWarp now supports custom fonts

Animated Text will support these soon. (it does now!)

TurboWarp Desktop 1.10 is now available at the usual place: https://desktop.turbowarp.org/

*Works on a huge code for an ai do different things, the code don't work, do it again*

You don't need to open a new tab to load extensions from the gallery anymore -- they're all just in the editor's extension list. Also there's a search bar.

TurboWarp Desktop 1.8.1 is now available to fix a few bugs

sum the team been cookin up



TurboWarp's restore points have been rewritten from the ground up. They are much more efficient than before, and it will save the last 5 instead of just one. More improvements to come.

Access this menu in File > Restore points