2 months ago


Through the mirror, a dark reflection,

One who has no recollection,

Lost it all, given to darkness,

Can you really save the hopeless?

Guys, meet Mirrored Kamek64, a version of me who lost everything. His friends, his family, and most importantly, Chaos (@TheTrueAndRealGODOFCHAOS). He could not bare to see himself after loosing it all, so he ripped it off. He hates himself more then anything else...

But that's all in another dimension...

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Autism moment

Any ideas of how to kill some time in Minecraft? I'm getting bored waiting for every nightshift in MW.

Wtf are these reccomendations

Modern noah aka my modern form

Which is better, Shadow or Terios?

Tav,but humanized

Boy do I love driving on this calm road!

Black Doom about to make this Highway Radical:


Please read the article.

You know what? Fuck you!

*Radicals your Highway*