1 year ago

U P D A T E !

Heyyyy!!!! How's goin'?

Here.... Well.. With a tremendous insomnia 'cause I've clearly had too much soda and it's good as they have a high concentration of sugar... I lose sleep! And I'm so excited and workin' in drawing for 200 followers ;)

Ik it's goin' to sound like I didn't do much, but I'm thinkin' of a really cool idea at the end when I hit the 1k follower goal

1 comment


Next up

Partners! Well...well.. well...

Hmmm so it looks like you want stickers of Soul's mom and his little brother? Right? (2 days left to vote)

I'll put 'em together with the sticker pack I'm already in the process of creatin' (If no changes on votes)

I can't believe my trained eyes look at! 900??? ops 901???!! I'm sooooo happy with this, pals!!


You make a difference here and in my life! You're the booster that makes me want to stay here and draw every day!

Just a lil' advice from my cowboy cat friend.

See ya around , partner!! Be kind!

My snipi :(


We're almost close to 900!!! With 8 more followers we will get closer to the much desired GJ Creator!!! Are you with me?! I know you are, pal!!

Another drawing goin' to paint! (Which I don't really like doin', I don't like paintin' my drawings) but this is for a good cause! Move my others medias around a bit!

Paintin' is a bit time-consumin', so it takes longer

Brazil Hatsune Miku !!

Sorry pals.... But I couldn't resist this trend!

I liked her design and saw that lots of people were doin' it! I just thought.... Why not?

Pals, due to the technical problems at GJ I will try to post the drawing today .

I hope y'all understand...

See ya!