So, um. Fun story about this song. Maybe fun for you - wasn't at all fun for me. Um, so, uh, I-I-I-I had the pleasure of, uh, being invited to, uh,- what was it, WFMU? Um, to do a little interview and spin some tracks with, uh, a woman who ran a-uh a polka? show? It was exclusively polka but they let me in. Um, and uh, I decided I was gonna do uh, uh, a pla-pla-l - have a little bit of fun! Do a lil - l-I guess, uh, maybe l-I've, uh, watched Man on the Moon too many times, got a little bit too interested in the Kaufman-esque side of public performance art. So, I decided - I know what I'm going to do! I'm going to walk into WFMU with a British accent and pretend that I'm English the entire time and not- y'know, never break. I'm not going to break no matter what. And so, then I went on the air, and, um, at this interview, and luckily nobody asked me where I was from because I don't know the names of any -English -places? -In-England? Um, Legs...worth. UM, and, uh, - and, uh, then I-I was like "alright, let's, uh, let's spin some tunes!" I don't know, th-they don't say that in England... "spin some tunes," um.

They don't say that in America, what the fuck's wrong with me?

Um, and, um, and, uh, I was like "*poor british accent* I know! This is the song I'm going to play, It's the one-it's-it's-it's, um, Front Street, and, uh, it's off my first record, Everything is a Lot." And I've got CD's over there by the way, *casual brief snake sounds*, a little bit of sales pitch really quick. UM, and, um, and it started to play and we were just, y'know, "shooting the shit" and, um, uh, it was- it- the tunes were spinning, and- and then it got to the chorus, and then it got to another chorus, and then I realized it had dropped several F-bombs without, uh, the station's knowledge and then I went "*poor british accent* wait, botch this, turn it off, wait, hold on a second," and, um - uh, she was like "oh, what's going on?" incoherent babble and fancy piano breakdown She was like "oh, what's going on? Why did you stop?" And I was like "oh, it's 'cause i-'s a couple of swear words in there that- may have gotten through." And she was like "oh, great. I'm looking forward to the $30,000 fine I'm going to receive from the FCC for that." SO, UM, we're not friends anymore, um. That,-that, uh, DJ and I, um. And, uh, there I was, um, having potentially cost her thousands of dollars and ruined a l- a big part of her life, um. And I was like "*sigh*, you know I'm not even British," and- *mournful laughter*.



Next up

what the hell.

I'm so bored please someone do something (VERY LOUD)


Come brothers

this is literally my Roblox avatar rn 😭

the normal family has finally returned

rap battle of the century