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Should we post STFP+ demo here on Gamejolt?
The page and demo for remake is out already!!! Link-
VERSION 1.15.1 IS OUT!!! Both Mac and Linux versions avalible. Visit new areas, face new enemies and fight new boss in this massive update!!!
STFP+ demo is out now. But only for partons. It is gonna stay exlusive for a few days until I am sure everyone on Patreon played it. Consider supporting us, please-
Моя перша повноцінна гра, яку я зробив у 16 років отримала українську локалізацію ТА грабельний епілог!!!
Пограйте будь-ласочка якщо не грали та поширюйте серед летсплеєрів. Це останнє оновлення, яке отримає ця версі гри.
Opening cutscene for remake DONE!
VERSION 1.15.1 IS OUT!!! Significant content update that includes Bossfight and tease for the future locations!
If any GJ devs wanna make friends then i'm kinda open. It has been so long since i met new people here :3
STFP+ DAY 1 HotFix Minor quality of life updates and bugfixes:
- Bad ending 2 now displays correct artwork for cutscene.
- Buttons "forward" and "skip" for cutscenes are now functional. link-
boss fight wip
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