so, it's been a while since anything has come forward about this game... well, I haven't reeally been that interested in undertale as much as before, and have moved on to making original characters and an original story, alongside improving my art. I have no clue about if I could really pull this game off as the idea was already extremely ambitious for a first time clickteam user, and I've since forgotten how to use the program, not to mention the whole project's corrupted. there is a chance however that I MIGHT revisit this au, as I've had a whole story set up that not even some of the people who worked on this game knew. ever since I somehow gained ownership from a certain someone, I've strived to make "Frustration and Collapse" the best it could be in many aspects. I really don't know what to do with this game, but if I manage to bring together a dedicated team, there is a possibility for this game to finally become a reality. Thank you to everyone who supported this game and followed this page, and I'm deeply sorry for not doing anything to repay that. I hope that you all understand.
- BartDoesArt (formerly - Talisman)