BraSonic 20XX (BrazSonic 20XX)
3 years ago

Uma palhinha da Ama Zone | A little more of Ama Zone

Mais para mostrar os cenários, algumas habilidades novas como correr em paredes e rampas longas; agachar durante o grinding (para esquivar de obstáculos), "corkscrews" como aqueles do Sonic Advance 2; usar troncos boiando para atravessar a água. E é sobre isso, e tá tudo bem ;)


A little more for better knowledge about sceneries, some newer abilities such as running on walls and long ramps; crouching on grinding to avoid obstacles while high-speeds; more variations of corkscrews like those ones from Sonic Advance 2; running over trunks to treapass water (like Sonic 1 Master System). That's about it, and it's going fine ;)

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