UnderSwap Last Chance
3 years ago

Underswap Last Chance Returns


Well it is time to say this and apparently, Last Chance will return but will have too many changes, in summary, we are rebooting the game although the story will be something similar to Last Breath that was planned to do, we still change things that the original Last Chance had to bring like the 4 phases, alternative endings, and its HARDMODE. And finally, I leave this sprite made by After Nick of the new design of sans is still in beta so there will be changes in this in the future.



Bueno ya es tiempo de decir esto y al parecer Last Chance si volvera pero tendra demasiados cambios, en resumen se hara un reboot al juego aunque la historia sera algo similar a Last Breath que se tenia planeado hacer aun asi cambiaremos cosas que el original Last Chance hiba traer como las 4 fases,finales alternativos y su HARDMODE por ultimo les dejo este sprite hecho por After Nickdel nuevo diseño de sans aun esta en fase beta asi que habra cambios en este en el futuro.



Next up

the anniversary of Last Chance is coming up so there will probably be a special or who knows maybe a revival of the game (although less likely).

well in other news, the sans vs bf song is finished, it's just a matter of time before some renders for the video are ready.

drawing made by:

Well yesterday was the anniversary and the truth is I just wanted to thank you for still being here and just tell you that things are coming in the future

things have improved in the last few months if all goes well by the end of the year there will be a surprise concerning last chance

Elizabeth & Pico's second song

these last weeks have not been the best for the mod because we don't have coders to continue but luckily in art and music we are still working for now I leave you this drawing meme made by

Advances of the month

You will know more soon

while the mod is working slowly but surely I will leave these sketches that will be used for the main menu

there is nothing relevant to show for now but I leave you with this meme made by Ellen_vch

Elizabeth & Pico Second Song Teaser