Bone clips are now only possible once in a blue moon.
You can now have blaster sound effects in phase 3.
You can skip more cutscenes.
You can turn off healing between phases (including the autoheals in phase 3).
Slowdown is back for the blue soul.
Orange bones now work with the red soul. The orange bone fix option must be turned on.
You can disable the effects in phase 3.
You can make the game easier with Fair RNG and Rebalance features.
Every phase has been tested no-hittable, and there are stars you can earn for completing various challenges. There are 15 in total - think you can get them all?
The original creator's name has been changed to ULB Team to protect everyone.
Most glitches have been patched.
Phase 1 corridor is no longer flooded with air hits.
The first blaster in every blaster spiral has been fixed.
Made some more parts look fancier.
Frisk no longer vibrates when walking against a wall. Additionally, you can now walk between the save point and the box.
You will now always respawn in the phase you died on. This means you will skip the cutscenes in phase 1 and 2 if you die.