Undertale Orange

19 hours ago

Undertale Orange Devlog 7

Hey everybody! Devlog time!

Short story is, we haven't done a lot ever since the last devlog. Now, this is not due to any fall in interest or motivation on part of the team! But rather busy schedules not giving a lot of time to work on the project. Hence, this devlog will concern itself with future plans and ideas rather than what has been made, since you've all already seen that!

The Story

A lot has been planned! Really only character specific things and certain important parts of the Pacifist Route are left in terms of writing.

But as far as it concerns the demo, everything's done! The only real roadblock that prevents its completion is a couple gameplay mechanics that we've yet to figure out, and playtesting.

The Gameplay

The Overworld's done! There are a couple quirks here and there but everything needed for the Proof of Concept and the Demo is done. The only thing left to code is the battle engine, which is a bit more complicated than anything the Overworld has.

Now, we do have a lot of ideas to how to implement features and fix bugs within the engine, but time constraints haven't allowed us to implement them so far, something we hope'll change.

The Music

Same as the gameplay, except a bit more complicated. Experience with music-making, unlike coding and spritemaking, is something we lack. We're figuring out some things and we do have a lot of solid inspiration for the soundtrack, but nothing has yet been done. Both due to the mentioned time constraints, and due to not really knowing how.

The Team

We're sorry for the inconvenience with everything, but as you can see in the credits, we're really only two people working on this. And we've decided to finish the demo before even considering accepting any more members.

If you're interested, sorry. But don't let the current closed doors shoot down your spirits. As anything can happen!

Thanks for everything! See you in a couple weeks!



L'amore che muove il sole e le altre stelle. L'odio che ti tiene in vita, qualunque cosa accada. Determinazione.

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Next up

New Tileset working wonders in the Dev Room!

Undertale Orange Devlog 5


Undertale Orange Devlog 6.5

due to recent events 👻

Some environmental concept art while we organize a proper devlog!

noelle joined

New thumbnail!

New Gamepage banner, credit to our team artist!

Wheel of Misfortune

Development's slowing down and speeding up in different ways! But in the meantime until the next devlog, have some battle concept art.