
2 years ago

[UNDERTALE: Papyrus' BELIEF] "Quick" Update

Hey everyone!

Before I get into what I want to say, I'll just get this out of the way first: this is not a 'delay / cancellation' post. It is quite the opposite, actually!

Let's get right into why that is.

The Animation Itself

As of recent progress on the animation has been absolutely massive with major progress on both overworld scenes and the battle itself being made! I think its safe to say we're just about to reach the halfway point in terms of completion, though bare in mind that that is just an estimate.

Granted I do apologise for the already long wait everyone has had to deal with, it's just that a lot of refinement and work goes into this project as I want it to be the very best it can be for all of you! I have an understandably infamous reputation of not being able to pull through on projects but that just isn't the case this time, we can tell.

To make up for the silence I'd like to share a few previews which you'll be able to see below!


(Fun little fact, since the original preview on Youtube everything has been re-animated in a new engine! This was due to some major complications with the older version.)

Alright, now moving on to the next section, being the main thing I wanted to talk about!

The Game

For the few who might not be aware Papyrus' BELIEF has always been planned to be both an animation and a game, the game following the animation.

The reason the Game Jolt page has been so quiet over the past 8 months is simply because contrary to the animation we just don't have enough to show for the game, which has resulted in me not wanting to make any devlogs for the project. I mean, it IS in the site's name. Game Jolt. Not Animation Jolt (I wish!).

This isn't to say there is nothing as preparations have begun along with engines being worked on but it's just not enough to make an entire post about, especially as it stands in its current development state as of right now.

The plan for the game is that once I reach the midpoint of the animation Ari will begin to copy what I've made into, of course, a game. As stated above we're closing in on that point of progression but it's unfortunately not yet. When the game will release is something I can't predict at all, but hopefully it won't be years!

Until we either get significant progress on the game or the animation gets finished this page will remain relatively silent besides from updates here and there.

Whilst we're on the topic of pages and all that I would like to bring up a few various things!

The Website

If any of you remember a while ago I shared a link to a work-in-progress website as an apology for messing around with the idea of the Underswap mode, (now) being called 'Judgement' (I'll get into this later!).

As it stands the idea of the website has been changed and will now be a generalised website for all of my current and upcoming projects. This website will most likely become accessible once the full animation releases, so be sure to keep an eye out for that if you're interested!

Soundcloud Page

Recently our musician, Nickolas, put together a Soundcloud page for the project! It houses all of the current tracks along with the new ones, so be sure to check it out!
[Click Here]

Speaking of the new tracks you'll be able to listen to them right here and on this page as well!

Over time there will be tracks added so be sure to keep checking back for new additions!

UNDERSWAP: Judgement

Told you I'd get back to it.

Whilst we may not have too much to show for it just yet, we do have this!

It is a heavy work-in-progress and will definitely have changes made in the future but it definitely suffices as content, that's for sure!

As for the Sans battle we have nothing past the sprites yet, unfortunately! It's not necessarily priority right now as we wish to get Papyrus' BELIEF done in its entirety, but we will get to it one day. I promise!

And that's a wrap!

This went from what was meant to be a quick update as to why we lack devlogs into a pretty beefy progress report! I personally wouldn't complain.

If you wish to be notified for the premiere of the full animation in the future then I'd heavily advise subscribing and turning on notifications for my Youtube Channel! That'll guarantee you won't miss it.

Until then, I'll see you all around!
Bye bye!



Next up

merry christmas, keep believing <3

hi! a good friend of mine and belief team member daevid has opened up emergency commissions and it'd be really appreciated if you checked them out. they do a lot for belief which you can see examples of attatched to this post!

Hiatus is over!

noelle joined

Hello!! This isn't an update post but instead an advertisement :0 UNDEREVENT 2023 premieres in around 24 hours!! Belief isn't in this year, but you should still definitely check it out :3

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.


Belief's 3rd Birthday



some rushed persona stuff i did the other day